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If you look at it as a game, and not a story with pretty graphics, it's great, because it uses plugins and code that put it above most other games on this engine in technical terms. But if you look at the story and graphics themselves, they are seriously lacking. So, fuck yeah, we need a full game, buddy.


good game.


Thank you so much~~
As a side note, right now I'm working on a reburbished chapter 1 and hopefully update in 2025.

Even though progress is slow as hell lol


Really love this game. Humor and combat system are fun.


Loved this game! I found the combat system to be very enjoyable, and the story has my kinda humor. all in all a great game and I can't wait to see what happens next!


It's absolute RPG Maker brilliant! Every single second of this game worths it. Battle system is ultimate. Dialogs made my day for they are chainsaw-sharp. Story is insane, touching, funny, I mean, I wish it had anime adoptation or so. You are great developer. Thanks a lot for this amazing demo.


This was a fun game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much and I am happy you finished the game!!


Also tried to tag you in the twitter post


Fun fact this game is very good


I'm making another comment because I'm playing this game for the second time.

This game is absolutely incredible, and you should most certainly play it, if you are browsing the comments rn. 

I am extremely picky with games. The battle, the story, the characters. The environment. Everything is extremely well based and it's always driving your curiousity to want to know more about the game. 

Really hyped to be playing it again!


Thank you phoenix~ Hoping to deliver a better version in the near futre~


Anime girls: Check
Pretty art: Check
Bullethell: Check

Now, this is a good game.


This game was incredible! Thank you so much!


great game


Your name o_o!!???


Interesting facts and interesting mechanics. And also interesting finale...




A clever Dev, a clever story, and a clever battle system.  This is an rpgm masterpiece in the making! I'm looking forward to full release!!


these mechanics are like. on all the drugs. in a good way!!

kinda nuts that it's in rpg maker. it's too powerful.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks man. Don't call the cops for the drugs.

I have called the cops.


i. have no idea how to leave star reviews on itch.

Deleted 2 years ago

I think the story is really captivating and worth checking it out. The game mechanics are really smooth and easily understandable also having a tutorial helps too. Keep up the great work!! I will totally play the full game if or when you come out with it.

(6 edits) (+1)

Thanks for playing the game! I'm happy to hear the battle system is easy to learn!! And I am glad you are enjoying the story since it's the thing I want to present in this build.


This game's mechanics are unique and very polished, definitely worth checking out!


Thanks for the kind words!!! Will keep it up!!